Coming up to the end of the summer season and it’s busier than ever at Crofton!
The August Bank Holiday steaming was one of the busiest we have known, and for once the late season weather was on our side. It was a great opportunity to spread the word among our visitors about the launch of the 2021 Boiler Appeal. If we are to steam again in 2022, we need to carry out work on the boiler this winter, which will cost around £30,000.
Virtual Tours & Talks
We have supported the annual festival for Heritage Open Days for many years, but this year added something a little different. FREE FRIDAY virtual tours and talks that our ‘visitors’ could enjoy from the comfort of their own home. It was a tad nerve-wracking, but a great success and perhaps something that we can try again in the future. Huge thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make the Virtual Open Day happen.
An ‘In Person’ – Heritage Open Day
Sunday 12 September will be a more conventional FREE ENTRY Heritage Open Day. Not a steaming day. Our young visitors will have the opportunity to make a scrapbook following the Journey of Wheat: From Field to Plate #EdibleEngland
End of Season Steaming Weekend – Saturday 25 & Sunday 26 September 2021
Arts Award Explore at Crofton – from 25 October to 27 October 2021
Crofton Beam Engines are excited to offer children between the ages of 7 and 11 the opportunity to take part in Arts Award Explore in October 2021. Two sessions on-site and one on-line. Closing date for applications 8 October 2021. Click on the button to find out more.
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